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A United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded project with the Tourism Development Authority (TDA), Ministry of Tourism, and implemented by Hagler Bailly Services, Inc.

The Red Sea Sustainable Tourism Initiative (RSSTI) is an activity of the Tourism Development Authority (TDA), with funding support and technical assistance provided by USAID. RSSTI is being implemented by Hagler Bailly Services, Inc. of Arlington, Virginia, USA. RSSTI is part of the broader Egyptian Environmental Policy Program (EEPP), a joint USAID - Government of Egypt policy support program. RSSTI's program is based on technical assistance, training, and limited equipment purchases, with a primary focus on TDA and private sector investors, developers and managers.


Best Practices
This work component involves the demonstration and introduction of selected "Best Environmental Practices" during the planning, construction and operation of touristic projects.

    • Environmental/energy assessments conducted to identify opportunities for environmental improvement.
    • Environmental Management Systems (EMS) developed with properties along the Red Sea Coast
    • An environmental management plan framework for an Integrated Development Center (IDC)
    • Best Practices for alternative tourism development, including mountain I desert activities, health spa facilities and Ecolodges in Egypt.
    • Best Practices for infrastructure development, including construction site preparation and development and innovative water I wastewater systems.
    • International environmental certification programs for Red Sea Coast properties will be reviewed with support for creation of an Egyptian environmental tourism recognition program.

Sustainable Tourism Awareness

The objective of this component is to increase the awareness of the opportunities and means to support and sustain the environment by the tourism sector.

    • Seminars andforums will be conducted for each of the Best Practice guidelines developed.
    • Training programs in support of Best Practices, environmental assessments and EMS will be undertaken.
    • An Ecolodge Forum covering marketing, finance, design and construction, case studies and linkages with visitor activities and protected areas will be conducted.
    • An International Conference/ Trade Show on Sustainable Tourism will be organized and held in Egypt.
A public awareness program

will be developed relating linkages between the environment, individual investor profits, and the general well being of the economy and community health.

Poilcy and Institutional Strengthening

This component involves support for TDA's activities related to environmental planning and monitoring.
    • Institutional plans for the Authority's Policy Implementation Unit and a new Environmental Monitoring Unit will be supported.
    • A computerized management information system will be designed, and technical assistance provided, including creation of a vibrant TDA website.
    • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and TDA permitting review procedures and guidelines will be assessed, with particular emphasis placed on coordinating mechanisms with other agencies.

This CD-Rom was provided under the auspices of RSSTI project with funding from the U.S. Agency
for International Development ( USAID ), for guidance and informational purposes only.
Authorization to copy, reproduce any part of this work for internal use or general distribution is granted by RSSTI,
with prior permission, acknowledgment must be provided.
This consent does not extend to sale purposes.

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